Sunday 30 November 2014

Poseidon Rising Inspiration

Since George is wanting this project to be a hyper realistic cinematic short it will be a good idea to research some already existing hyper real trailers.

To start off, the absolute masters in hyper realistic trailers: Blizzard

World of Warcraft Warlords of Draenor Cinematic Trailer

Something to pick up on with all these trailers but can be especially seen in the one above is of how intricate the facial movements are, something I will have to pay special attention to when animating.

Next up is the trailer for the game:

Lords of the Fallen

On this trailer the fight sequence is of special merit to be appreciated, again something that will need a lot of refining in my animation to achieve ultimate realism. There are also so really nice shots in this short that help build tension and reveal information in unique ways.

Dark Souls 2 Trailer

Although in this trailer the faces are covered for all the scenes meaning no facial animation, there is still a lot of complex body mechanics that is to a very high standard.

Finally even though being an awful game series, they do make a good trailer:

Risen 3: Titan Lords Trailer

This is a good example of the kind of scene we want to set with two characters fighting in a temple arena that finishes in impossible odds.

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